Neurological Examination

The doctors conduct a bedside neurological examination during a patient’s initial visit. A detailed description of this examination can be found on our exams and testing page.

Videonystagmography (VNG)

Videonystagmography (VNG) testing is a series of tests used to assess balance problems, dizziness, and other issues associated with the vestibular system by evaluating how the eyes respond to visual stimulation. The tests involve the patient wearing a set of infrared goggles that record and trace eye movements as the eyes follow moving targets. Unlike other tests that measure movements based on the muscles surrounding the eyes, VNG testing directly tracks eye movements, thus making it to be considered the standard for testing vestibular function.

Computerized Posturography (CAPS)

Computerized Posturography is a clinical assessment technique that is used to evaluate a person’s control of posture and balance, which involves sensory, motor, and central nervous system processes. The patient stands on a horizontal platform that both challenges and measures the patient’s ability to maintain balance. By combining the measurements from CAPS with those from the VNG testing, a more complete picture is given, which helps the doctor identify the affected areas of the brain.


The Saccadometer is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that performs evaluations of fast eye movements (saccades). Nearly every level of the brain is involved in generating saccades.  Neurological and physiological disorders can affect saccades, specifically saccadic latency and saccadic velocity. The Saccodometer provides quantitative analysis of latency and velocity profiles in order to give the doctor another glimpse into how well specific parts of the brain are working.

Why Carolina Brain Center?

Dr. Dane brings 20 years of experience to the Triangle and has helped many people achieve a healthier brain and body.


Ready For A Consultation?

Dr Dane is ready to talk when you are. We’ll need some information from you to get the process started!